Click cover image to download FREE printables to go with Amazing Plant Powers!

Click cover image to download FREE printables to go with Amazing Plant Powers!

Amazing Plant Powers
How Plants Fly, Fight, Hide, Hunt, & Change the World

by Loreen Leedy and Andrew Schuerger, Ph.D

TV host (and cactus) Spike shows viewers the many useful adaptations that plants have such as turning sunlight into food, the ability to live in wet, dry, hot, or cold environments, and having thorns and toxins to repel hungry bugs and animals. Colorful photographs and illustrations of a wide variety of plants explain how plants are able to live almost anywhere, even on the fur of an animal!

“A great supplement to plant units, and a welcome introduction to informational texts.” School Library Journal

Next Generation Science standard: 2-LS4-1: Make observations of plants. . . to compare the diversity of life in different habitats.

Grades 1–4. 32 pp. Full color art. Holiday House, 2015. ISBN 978-0-8234-2256-2.

Digital painting and photo collage.


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